Become a speed demon

Here are my notes from the Udemy course Become a speed demon by Jonathan Levi. This may change by the time you read this post, but the course is now on a sale for $10, so you may wanna check it out if you’re into ‘this kind of things’.
Proper preparation is key to everything.
Time related
The priority Star Exercise:
Parkinson’s Law – work expands to fill the time available for its completion
Efficient != Effective
15 minutes to get back in the optimal zone after distraction
Batching tasks – answer emails @ specific time
Buddhist wheel of life: career, money, health, friends and family, romance, personal growth, fun, and recreation, physical environment
Some cool tools/tips:
- Pomodoro
- Rescue Time
- Scheduling meetings with an app
- TextExpander
- Dvorak keyboard
- Typing numbers is faster if you actually speak them
- Make use of Siri (or another equivalent on your phone)
- QuickSilver app for Mac
- Better Touch Tool
- Sleep Cycle App
- Bill Guard
- Have someone do your laundry
- TaskWonder, Workerly, Fiverr
Decision fatigue leads to ego depletion.
Too many options make us miserable.
Sorry I’m so direct, but I’m sure you’re very busy.
Maker vs. Manager time
Become a #speed demon
— Nikola Brežnjak (@HitmanHR) August 8, 2017
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