Ionic is wordpress for mobile apps

As the official blog post nicely states
mobile just changed forever
How come? Well, as the post says
Google started indexing iOS 9 apps that support the HTTP deep link standards, allowing users to find and open app content through the standard Google search in Safari on iOS and Google on Android.
What this means is that even more businesses will want to have their app. Why? Well, for the same reasons why they created websites. One of our professors at university used to joke:
if it’s not on the web, it doesn’t exist
Anyways, that’s why I think Ionic is going to become the mainstream goto place for making apps, and making them quick.
As the author of that posts says:
Ionic is planning to become WordPress for apps
So, dear fellow developers – it’s time to dive into the app business. And, if you still haven’t got a clue where to start – Ionic is a great place, especially if you have web development skills.
#Ionic is #wordpress for #mobile #apps
— Nikola Brežnjak (@HitmanHR) October 14, 2015
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