Ionic View Manage Apps

I’m a big fan of Stack Overflow and I tend to contribute regularly (am currently in the top 0.X%). In this category (stackoverflow) of posts I will will be posting my top rated questions and answers. This, btw, is allowed as explained in the meta thread here.
My question was:
I uploaded a test app to Ionic (don’t know the exact name for this) with the command ionic upload
from the command line, and I can access them nicely with the Ionic View application I have installed on my iPhone.
However, I remember that they have a web interface for this too, but can’t find the link for the life of me. I searched the website, went through my emails, googled, but nothing. I even found the same question on the official forum – sadly unanswered.
I actually found the answer to this myself:
And, sure enough, after going through my deleted emails I found a welcome email from Ionic stating that the login is at Will reply to that official post too…
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