Progwriter [programmer + writter] by Azat Mardan

My notes from the book Progwriter [programmer + writter] by Azat Mardan:
It’s better to have fewer features with no bugs than lots of features with bugs.
Marketing is easy when you think about the value that you bring to other people. Think about how much frustration, and how many sleepless hours, other developers can avoid by reading your books! If your product is good, this is exactly what will happen.
Leanpub, Gumroad worth checking out. Simple webhosting via Github pages, and a lot more awesome content…
I actually liked this book very much, so that I wrote the short review (5/5) on Amazon:
Honestly, so much acquired knowledge presented in a straight forward way, one would have to spend years in trying it out himself. Great eye opener for all those who aspire to become a programming writer = progwriter.
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