How to redirect users if there is no Internet connection in Ionic framework?

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As you may know, I’m really into Ionic framework lately and am helping out on StackOverflow with the knowledge I gained so far with the framework. In the last 30 days, I’m the top answerer in the ionic tag, and am currently #6 All time answerer:


I answered this question by userFlorin Simion:

I want to redirect users to a different page when they’re not connected to the Internet.

My only question is why this is working:

if (window.Connection) {
    if(navigator.connection.type == Connection.NONE) {
        alert("Please connect to internet");

and this is not

if (window.Connection) {
    if(navigator.connection.type == Connection.NONE) {

My answer was:

Because you’re using $state the wrong way. Instead of this:


You should do it like this:


Remember to inject $state in your controller. More information about $state from official docs.

By “Remember to inject $state in your controller” I’m referring, for example, to this:

app.controller('ctrl', function ($scope, $state) {
    $scope.changeState = function () {

If you would want a more in-depth tutorial about network information gathering in Ionic make sure you check the Check network information change with Ionic framework tutorial.

Written by Nikola Brežnjak