Five Year Club at


Today marks 5 years of me being on In general, I gotta say that I like the community (I just got this nice badge, so what’s not to like 🙂), and wish to be on the platform 5 years from now too.


I like stats (and working towards improving them), so I’ll share my stats from these 5 years:

  • Posts: 92
  • Total post reactions: 847
  • Total post views: 273,102
  • Followers: 2895
  • Following users: 36

Top 5 most viewed blog posts

Personal favorites that, IMHO, could use a bit more view-love

Daily-Thought Series

Recently, I started a new daily-thought series where I post a tweet-like tiny blog post entry every day. The post that got the most exposure in that series was Knowing != Doing. Please feel free to check out the rest and chime in on the discussion.


I shared a bunch of learnings from when I published my 300th blog post on my blog.

One thing that still holds to this day is the consistency. What you’re consistent with, you will improve.

Written by Nikola Brežnjak