Golang Zagreb – First Workshop

Last Saturday (22.03.2017) I attended the first ever Go language workshop.
The workshop host was Matej Baćo, who is also the organizer of Golang Zagreb.
We were working on a task to create a currency exchange rates JSON service. The Github repo of the project is here. Matej did an excellent job preparing this workshop as you can checkout the master branch and follow the instructions in the main.go
in order to go through the same process as we did. If you get stuck at some point or don’t know how would you solve a certain step, you can check out other branches which Matej prepared (for each phase there is a start
and done
Few pics from the workshop
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If you’re a Go aficionado and would like to keep learning about Go from the first-hand experience, make sure to attend their next meetup this Wednesday where they also have a so-called ‘hack table’ where you can ask any question about the Go code you’re writing and having some issues with.
All in all, great workshop, I highly recommend you check them out, and I’m looking forward to the next one!
#Golang Zagreb – First #Workshop lead by @matejbaco https://t.co/zCCtdsPRgw
— Nikola Brežnjak (@HitmanHR) April 25, 2017
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