How to add PayPal to Ionic 1 apps

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to add the option of paying with PayPal to your Ionic 1 apps.
The demo project is on Github.
How to create this yourself step by step
- Start a new Ionic 1 project
ionic start IonicPayPalDemo
- Add the PayPal Cordova Plugin
cordova plugin add com.paypal.cordova.mobilesdk
As the official docs say:
The PayPal SDK Cordova/Phonegap Plugin adds 2 JavaScript files to your project:
– a wrapper around the native SDK. The PayPalMobile object is immediately available to use in your .js files. You don’t need to reference it inindex.html
– a helper file which defines thePayPalPayment
classes for use with PayPalMobileYou must add
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/paypal-mobile-js-helper.js"></script>
to yourwww/index.html
file, after thecordova.js
So, following the official advice, our www/index.html
file will now look like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, width=device-width">
<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json">
<link href="lib/ionic/css/ionic.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js"></script>
<script src="cordova.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/paypal-mobile-js-helper.js"></script>
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
<script src="js/controllers.js"></script>
<script src="js/services.js"></script>
<body ng-app="starter">
<ion-nav-bar class="bar-stable">
Next, set the contents of the www/templates/tab-dash.html
<ion-view view-title="Dashboard">
<ion-content class="padding">
<div class="list">
<label class="item item-input">
Price: <input type="text" ng-model="subscriptionPrice"/>
<label class="item item-input">
Subscription: <input type="text" ng-model="subscriptionName"/>
<button class="button button-positive button-block" ng-click="payWithPayPal()">
<i class="icon ion-card"></i>
Pay with PayPal
Set the contents DashCtrl
controller in the www/js/controllers.js
file to:
.controller('DashCtrl', function($scope, PaypalFactory) {
$scope.subscriptionName = 'Some subscription';
$scope.subscriptionPrice = 5;
$scope.payWithPayPal = function() {
PaypalFactory.initPaymentUI().then(function() {
PaypalFactory.makePayment($scope.subscriptionPrice, $scope.subscriptionName).then(function(data) {
//make some additional logic based on returned data like saving to your database, showing a message to the user, etc.
"PayPal purchase completed successfully.",
"Paypal Purchase",
}, function(err) {
"Paypal Purchase Canceled",
"Try Again"
You can see that we’re importing the PaypalFactory through dependency injection. We define this factory in js/services.js
file like this:
.factory('PaypalFactory', ['$q', '$filter', '$timeout', '$ionicPlatform', 'APP_CONSTS', function($q, $filter, $timeout, $ionicPlatform, APP_CONSTS) {
var init_defer;
var that = {};
* @ngdoc method
* @name initPaymentUI
* @methodOf app.PaypalFactory
* @description
* Inits the payapl ui with certain envs.
* @returns {object} Promise paypal ui init done
that.initPaymentUI = function() {
init_defer = $q.defer();
$ionicPlatform.ready().then(function() {
var clientIDs = {
"PayPalEnvironmentProduction": APP_CONSTS.payPalProductionId,
"PayPalEnvironmentSandbox": APP_CONSTS.payPalSandboxId
PayPalMobile.init(clientIDs, that.onPayPalMobileInit);
return init_defer.promise;
* @ngdoc method
* @name createPayment
* @methodOf app.PaypalFactory
* @param {string|number} total total sum. Pattern 12.23
* @param {string} name name of the item in paypal
* @description
* Creates a paypal payment object
* @returns {object} PayPalPaymentObject
var createPayment = function(total, name) {
// "Sale == > immediate payment
// "Auth" for payment authorization only, to be captured separately at a later time.
// "Order" for taking an order, with authorization and capture to be done separately at a later time.
var payment = new PayPalPayment("" + total, "USD", "" + name, "Sale");
return payment;
* @ngdoc method
* @name configuration
* @methodOf app.PaypalFactory
* @description
* Helper to create a paypal configuration object
* @returns {object} PayPal configuration
var configuration = function() {
// for more options see `paypal-mobile-js-helper.js`
var config = new PayPalConfiguration({ merchantName: APP_CONSTS.payPalShopName, merchantPrivacyPolicyURL: APP_CONSTS.payPalMerchantPrivacyPolicyURL, merchantUserAgreementURL: APP_CONSTS.payPalMerchantUserAgreementURL });
return config;
that.onPayPalMobileInit = function() {
$ionicPlatform.ready().then(function() {
PayPalMobile.prepareToRender(APP_CONSTS.payPalEnv, configuration(), function() {
$timeout(function() {
* @ngdoc method
* @name makePayment
* @methodOf app.PaypalFactory
* @param {string|number} total total sum. Pattern 12.23
* @param {string} name name of the item in paypal
* @description
* Performs a paypal single payment
* @returns {object} Promise gets resolved on successful payment, rejected on error
that.makePayment = function(total, name) {
var defer = $q.defer();
total = $filter('number')(total, 2);
$ionicPlatform.ready().then(function() {
PayPalMobile.renderSinglePaymentUI(createPayment(total, name), function(result) {
$timeout(function() {
}, function(error) {
$timeout(function() {
return defer.promise;
* @ngdoc method
* @name makeFuturePayment
* @methodOf app.PaypalFactory
* @description
* Performs a paypal future payment
* @returns {object} Promise gets resolved on successful payment, rejected on error
that.makeFuturePayment = function(total, name) {
var defer = $q.defer();
$ionicPlatform.ready().then(function() {
function(authorization) {
function(cancelReason) {
return defer.promise;
return that;
Also, you may notice that here we’re importing APP_CONSTS
constant which we have to define in app.js
file like this:
.constant('APP_CONSTS', {
payPalSandboxId: 'Bfiudw1_kauwqxV8vqsPXyWv-6rbudyhnwbKd2Qhb57Rdwoj0NLT8dOGwOYug5g-vHL28aqVWLMkErdVop',
payPalProductionId: '',
payPalEnv: 'PayPalEnvironmentSandbox', // for testing: PayPalEnvironmentSandbox, for production PayPalEnvironmentProduction
payPalShopName: 'Demo Shop',
payPalMerchantPrivacyPolicyURL: '',
payPalMerchantUserAgreementURL: ''
Of course, these won’t work and for the demo to work you need to change them to your settings. You can get these by registering your application over at PayPal Developers portal.
Running the application
When you run the application you should see a screen like this:
Then, if you click on the Pay with PayPal
button you’ll get a nice looking interface:
Cool thing is that it also supports the option to take a picture of your credit card and automatically fill the fields (in case you would pay with a credit card):
Hope this demo app helps to show you how easy it is to add PayPal payments to your Ionic 1 app.
The demo only showcases the usage of a one-time payment. The so-called future payment UI is ready, but to get this fully working, you will need to implement proper functions on the backend as well. You can read more about this here.
How to add PayPal to Ionic 1 apps @ionicframework
— Nikola Brežnjak (@HitmanHR) October 17, 2017
cordova plugin add com.paypal.cordova.mobilesdk
That takes too long time for install and fired an error.
so can you tell why this thing has happened?
What error did you get?
@nikola i have been try your code.
i changed the paypalSandboxId with my clientId, i run the app, then i click pay with paypal button nothing changed. nothing happen. is there a mistake that i did? is there anything else that should be change?
What error did you get?
can i try that in browser? in browser, deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds. Channel not fired: onCordovaInfoReady. Channel not fired: onFileSystemPathsReady.
I don’t know how to see errors in the mobile application.
No, you can’t test this in the browser. You’ll have to run the app in the simulator (Xcode for iOS) or emulator (Android Studio for Android).
i’ve tried in emulator too. click that button and nothing happens. like the button does not work
when i test with cordova run browser. i get this. Error: exec proxy not found for :: PayPalMobile :: init
Missing Command Error cdv-plugin-paypal-mobile-sdk.js:41