How to create a countdown timer and show current time in Unity3D

In this post I’m going to show you how to create a countdown timer and show current time in Unity3D.


demo  forkMe

  1. Create a new 2D project:
  2. Optionally download some background image (I used this one) and drag it to the Assets folder:
  3. Drag the background image to the Hierarchy:
  4. Adjust the size of the Camera to 8:
  5. Hierarchy->Create->UI->Text:
  6. Click on Canvas in Hierarchy and set the Render mode:
  7. Click on Text and change the settings (Positions, Width, Height, Text, Font Site):
  8. Rename the Text to TimerText
  9. Duplicate the TimerText and rename to TimeText:
  10. Change y position of TimeText to -200:positionChange
  11. Hierarchy -> Create -> Create Empty:
  12. Rename it to GameController
  13. Inspector -> Add Component -> New Script (name it Timer and select JavaScript):
  14. Paste the following code:
    #pragma strict
     var timer: float = 70;
     var isFinishedLevel : boolean = false;
     public var displayText : UnityEngine.UI.Text;
     public var timeText : UnityEngine.UI.Text;
     var minsDisplay : String;
     var secsDisplay : String;
     var mySeconds : int = 0;
     private var oldTimer : float;
     function Start(){
         oldTimer = timer;
     function Update()
         if (!isFinishedLevel) {
             timer -= Time.deltaTime;
     function CurrentTime() { 
         var dt : System.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now;
         var h : int = dt.Hour; 
         var m : int = dt.Minute; 
         var s : int = dt.Second;
         timeText.text = h + ":" + m + ":" + s;
         if(mySeconds != s)
             mySeconds = s;
     function Timing()
         if (timer > 0) {
             //var minsDisplay : String = parseInt( timer / 60 ).ToString();
             minsDisplay = parseInt( timer / 60 ).ToString();
             //var secsDisplay : String = parseInt( timer ).ToString();
             secsDisplay = parseInt( timer ).ToString();
             if ( (timer - ( parseInt(minsDisplay) * 60)) > 10 ) {
                  secsDisplay = parseInt( timer - ( parseInt(minsDisplay) * 60) ).ToString();
             else {
                 secsDisplay = "0" + parseInt( timer - ( parseInt(minsDisplay) * 60) ).ToString();
             //displayText.text = minsDisplay + " : " + secsDisplay;
         else {
              timer += oldTimer;
         displayText.text = minsDisplay + " : " + secsDisplay;
  15. Drag TimerText and TimeText to the script from Hierarchy:
  16. [le problems] – Run the program, and you’ll run into few issues:
    1. If you open up any other window you will notice that the timer will stop, and continue counting once you return to the Unity window [edit: this seems to be expected behavior and in order to “fix” this, you have to set the “Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Run In Background” option (from here)]
    2. TimerText and TimeText are not “ticking off” at the same time [edit: this is now also fixed and the code is updated with the fix]
  17. If someone has info on how to solve this, please comment and I’ll update the post once the solution is found [edit: both issues have been resolved thanks to Unity Answers, I’m just leaving them here for some future reference].
Written by Nikola Brežnjak