Free ebook: The Universe doesn’t give a flying fuck about you – Johnny Truant

My notes from (currently) free book The Universe Doesn’t Give a Flying Fuck About You (Epic series Book 1) by Johnny Truant, which I rated 4/5 on my Shelfari account. Actually, the whole series (4 books) is free currently, so you may wanna rush your download 😉
If you knew how small you are and how short a time you have to do what you can, you wouldn’t waste time watching five fucking hours of TV a day.
Stop being a pussy and go do something amazing!
It doesn’t matter what you’ve done. What matters is what you do.
It means that even though the universe doesn’t care enough to give you what you want, it doesn’t care enough to stop you from having it, either. So embrace that anarchy, and take those things for yourself.
Just do it. Claim it. Stop waiting for permission.
Fucking hell. Stop whining and just be it already. Be fucking awesome.
Your life is a one-way train, and any second you waste is a second lost forever.
There’s a drinking game in Heaven, where angels do a shot every time humans invest ‘for the long term.
I heard that God watches jewelry commercials and LOL’s when they say that diamonds are forever.
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