
In this post, I’ll share a few tips on how to set the goals, track them, and work towards completing them.
Fair warning: this may be a ‘too much’ kind of post, but it also may be very motivational. It’s your choice. You choose if you’ll think that this is an exaggeration or something that may give you an edge you need. Either way, remember why you’re getting into this: you’re here to get ahead and succeed, not to slack off or barely get by. So, buckle up, it’s supposed to be hard. Going an extra kilometer (miles are overrated) is easy – there’s truly not much competition down the line.
⚠️ All of the things I share here are the things that I do. The books I recommend are the ones I’ve read. However, this may, and then again, may not work for you. Though I’m pretty sure if you do half of the things from the list, you’ll be hooked by the unexpected surge of productivity that you’ll want to learn more, and in the end, find your own best set of tools/books/tips/systems.
If you’re here just for the tips, here they are:
- How to set them
- Write them down
- Set them for a year in advance
- Plan each day
- Do the work
- Prioritize the tasks
- Work on the one thing at a time
- Work on the most dreadful task first
- Use the Pomodoro technique
- Develop a routine
At the end of this, I also touch on Motivation and Remote work.
Here are a few short tips on how to set them.
Write them down
There’s some ‘magic’ in writing down what you truly want. Don’t question it, just do it, write your goals on a paper/notebook/wall 😉
One of the best (and shortest) books I’ve read on the topic of setting goals is Goals! by Brian Tracy.
There are also book summaries, and YouTube videos of this book in case you’re interested. I’d still recommend reading the book for more info on what format they need to be in, but one is this: be specific in what you want.
Set them for a year in advance
At the start of the year, set your yearly goals and then break them down to quarters, then down to months, weeks, and finally days.
If you’re starting out, quarterly will be fine. OKRs fall nicely into that.
Sometimes things go according to plan; sometimes they don’t. Review them (I do that every month) and adjust accordingly. However, do not!, delete them – you’ll use these at the end of the year when you do a full review of the whole year.
Some may say that you need to plan for 3, 5, or whatever number of years. That’s fine too. Find a number that works for you long term.
Plan each day
Yes, I’m serious when I say you should plan your days. I’ll even go further and say that you should plan each hour of your day. Plan when you work, plan when you play, plan when you relax. Plan to work in blocks of time.
Ideally, every night before you go to sleep, create a plan of your whole next day. The first thing in the morning is the second-best option.
Google calendar may help, but I still use a normal pen and paper. I like the Best Self journals.
Saturdays and Sundays should not be an exception. Again, remember the note from above: you’re here to succeed, not to slack off. They may not be your full ~~12~~ 8 hour workdays, but they can be ‘light reading’ days. But please, whatever you do, don’t turn them into Netflix binging days. If you do that on a consistent basis, you might as well stop reading this right now, as this will not resonate well with you.
Here are a few tips on how to actually work towards completing them. These few tips will boost your productivity, only if you stick to them.
- Prioritize the tasks
- > “If everything is important, then nothing is.” ~ Patrick M. Lencioni
- Prioritize the tasks using the Eisenhower Box method.
- Work on one thing at a time
- A good book on the topic is The One Thing by Gary Keller.
- Work on the most dreadful task first
- A good book on the topic is Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy.
- Use the Pomodoro technique
- You need a few minutes of reading this Wikipedia link to learn how to apply it.
- I challenge you to do 8 ‘true’ Pomodoros a day. And when you do, I’ll be waiting for that thank you note about the newfound increased productivity that you got.
- Develop a routine
- Start your day with a routine like life savers (from the book The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod). The key thing is: adapt to your style and, more importantly, stick to it.
Motivation is fine. Everyone needs a lift from time to time. But it only lasts so long. Some high achievers even say that it’s for amateurs.
Discipline is the key. Develop a habit of working on your goals daily. I again agree: easier said than done. Don’t forget why you’re here for.
Remote work
Remote work is a blessing in disguise. As well as this unfortunate situation, we found ourselves in this year.
You get to stay home.
Remember how you wished you could work from home?
Well, now, you do.
I get it; for some of you, it’s truly awful (both WFH parents with kids, I feel for you, hang in there 💪).
However, for everybody else, it is up to you in the end if you end up working towards your goals, or playing video games.
Remote work is not easy, and it’s not for everyone. I’m pulling a shameless plug here in saying that this post will help you if you want to ‘make it’.
What’s up with all the book references!?
I think that reading books is a great time investment. If you don’t have the time, I challenge you to find fault with the the math behind reading 30 books per year
I hope this helps, but remember: nothing beats one’s own hard-earned experience. Therefore, give these tips a go, see what works for you and adapt them to your style.
I wish you good luck in achieving them!
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