We need more games that make us think

We need more games that make us think instead of those that dumb us down. Video games are not bad (in moderation). Boardgames are better. Puzzle games are great.
I used to love hacker challenge games, and recently I stumbled upon one on iOS called 63.
As a testament that I didn’t lose my mojo completely 😏, I finished on the Leader board.
Great game, check it out, and please recommend any other that you may know that’s similar.
Oh, and BTW, because why not, you can get one of the 62 images (I kept one for myself) above as an NFT on OpenSea.
⚠️ In this new “Daily Thoughts” series, I’m just scratching my own itch. For too long now I’ve been reading and consuming. Not that there’s something inherently wrong with that, but if one doesn’t offset that with his own producing, one often falls into the trap of staying a consumer. If you think you know something, or want to learn something about yourself, try to explain it ‘on paper’.
Personally, I think best ‘on paper’, and it’s been a while since a wrote a post. So, I’ll start small (and build up a habit of daily writing again) by sharing a thought daily. I’ll use this as a retrospective a year from now.
Dear readers, feel free to chime in with your thoughts on my thoughts (so Meta; which is popular in its own right these days).
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