The art of being unmistakable – Srinivas Rao

My notes from (currently) free book The Art of Being Unmistakable: A Collection of Essays About Making a Dent in The Universe by Srinivas Rao, which I rated 4/5 on my Shelfari account.
What if you decided to be the one who creates for the joy of creating, nothing more?!
To experience something new, we have to let go of what’s old. We have to remain calm in the face of setbacks.
My greatest sin was to waste my life believing that I wasn’t capable of something more.
How long are you willing to act like a pro without any of the external rewards that come with it?
If you try to miomic, copy er emulate anybody else, at best you will be a pale imitation.
The only way to really stand out online is to be honest.
None of these things define you as a person: Your education The size of your bank account Your job title Your failures Your successes And sadly, we let so many of these things rule our lives. Obsession with crossing off the checkboxes of society’s life plan leads to little other than therapy, midlife crises, and depression.
Worrying about what other people think is a jail of our own creation, and the irony of it is those people are in the same jail with us.
The “No bullshit” version of who you are can work with a compass. Your ego needs a map because it does not quite understand the wise words of Paul Jarvis, “Nobody is successful because they took somebody else’s roadmap and copied it.
To become truly unmistakable I have to be willing to ditch the map, travel without a guidebook, and see where it leads me.
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