Night School: Wake up to the power of sleep – Richard Wiesman

My notes from the great book Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Richard Wiesman, which will definitely banish some false presumptions that we may have:
Hypnagogic myoclonic twitch -70% of people experience it
Deep sleep – you won’t wake up unless you smell burning – someone says your name, or you hear a very loud noise
We spend 50% in the light sleep, 20% in deep sleep, 25% in REM, 5% in brief awakenings
Humans have internal clock inside them
The king sleeps on his back, the sage on his side and the rich man on his belly.
Create your own bat cave
The main problem with common sense is that it is not so common.
For night terrors and sleepwalking wake the child up 20 minutes before the episodes usually start. Give them a glass of water and read them a bedtime story. Repeating this 10 days in a row reduces night terrors by two thirds.
Power napping FTW!
If you wake up at 6 AM then the perfect naptime is 1:30 PM.
Drink caffeinated drink just before dozing off. It will work it’s magic about after 20 minutes, just as you wake up.
Add some nice smell in your bedroom.
Banish blue light
Positive imagery and the paradox principal
Make a list of worries
Don’t cram the night before, get a good night sleep
Fly east flight early, fly west fly late
Napping is awesome
Describe dream and use as a basis for change
Pre-sleep suggestion
My notes from the #book Night School: wake up to the power of #sleep by Richard Wiesman –
— Nikola Brežnjak (@HitmanHR) January 18, 2016
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